
The Body and Envisioning a New World with Stefana Serafina ☾ 14

Oh my has this episode been a long time coming. But it is landing here at just the right time.

My dear friend and mentor Stefana Serafina is our guest today. Her work has transformed my life. The way I live in my body and what I experience because of the intimate relationship with its language.

It became a very rich conversation about body, my body, your body, the body as the extension of Earth. .

A conversation and reflection about the risk of not including our bodies (again!) in the visioning for the new world that might be shaping with this crisis. 

About the body having to be the guide and the way in this hopeful emergence of a renewed human race. 

I’m so excited to share her work with you! We would love to hear what you take away from this episode.


Stefana Serafina, M.A., is an embodiment educator, writer, and embodied empowerment facilitator based in the San Francisco Bay. She is recognized for her unique and multi-faceted approach to body–based self–discovery and transformation.

She is the founder of Intuitive Body and Dance ©, which has grown into an international platform providing resources, experiences, and education for returning to our bodies’ inherent intelligence

For over a decade, Stefana has been teaching and facilitating transformative, movement-based embodiment in California, Europe, Central America, and online, and developing the Deep–Body model that is at the foundation of the work.


My Grandmother's Hands : Racialized Trauma and the Pathways to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies - Resmaa Menakem

The Body Keeps the Score : Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma - Bessel van der Kolk

My bodies, My earth - Ruby Gibson

Waking the Tiger - Peter Levine



Wild and Alone with Callie North ☾ 8

I can’t begin to tell you how much I looked forward to interviewing this woman. I watched her on the Alone Show and was blown away by how she approached going out into the wild Alone.

She is a true inspiration. Her love or the planet can only rub off on you.

It became talk about the practical and down to earth ways of connecting - and why it is important.

Listen here:

About Callie:

Folk Herbalist. Songstress. Gardener. Witch. Magic Maker. Seeker. Life Enthusiast.  

Born and raised on Lopez Island, Callie spent her formative years living a nature-based lifestyle in the Pacific Northwest. Her love of the outdoors and relationship with sacred plant medicine led her to open Pachamama Apothecary in the spring of 2016. Shortly after the shop opened, Callie was blessed with the opportunity to spend 72 days living alone in the foothills of the Andes Mountains in Patagonia, Argentina. She fished, foraged and relied completely on the land for survival. Her journey can be viewed on Season 3 of ALONE, on the History Channel.

 Callie currently lives off grid in a small cabin in the mossy woods, gathering wild medicine, writing songs, and planning her next adventure.

Find her here:



Also mentioned on the Podcast: A Wilder Year:

Wild Power - exploring your cycle with Alexandra Pope ☾ 7

Today’s guest is Alexandra Pope.

Alexandra is the co founder of redschool.net along side Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer. She is also the author of several books including 'The Wild Genie: The Healing Power of Menstruation', 'The Women’s Quest Workbook' and co author of 'The Pill: are you sure it’s for you' and their book Wild Power 

Alexandra is a women’s leadership coach and educator at the forefront of the emerging new field of menstruality, exploring woman’s psycho-spiritual journey from menarche to menopause and beyond.

5 years ago I followed a calling and did a menstrual, women’s body training with a beautiful teacher Laila Torsheim here in Denmark. It became confirmation of so many truths in my body, that I simply did not have a fully developed language for. She introduced us to our lovely guest today. A woman and a mission worth knowing. 

I had the privilege of working a little closer with them during the launch of their book ‘Wild Power’ and it is a must read for women wanting to get intimate with their cycle. I will leave a link in the show notes. 

To learn more about their amazing work go here: www.redschool.net

Radical Sisterhood and Rebirthing Sanity with Clare Dubois ☾ 3

In this Episode 3 I interview Clare Dubois. 

You will hear:

  • How Sisterhood is one the Keys to create massive change

  • Why trees and reforestation is important. 

  • Clare’s amazing and wild story of how it all began. 

  • Why the focus is on the tropical rainforest.

  • What and where can we go if we want to make change locally 

  • More importantly why Sisterhood and what is the potential if we reconnect to our inner nature and come together as a tribe. 

I was really excited and nervous as I have been with all of these people who said yes to an interview. I feel this theme of nature and environmental issues strongly. I feel more hope than despair. And this is good. If we can sense the urgency and yet see ways to make a difference, we are on a good path.

If anything I dream that this episode will be the call to unite. Even though TreeSisters, gather the women the is a calling to all to come together. Alone we can do so much, together we can move mountains.

DISCLAIMER: The sound on my end is a little off in the beginning. Practice a little patience with me and it will get better ;)

Links mentioned in the Podcast: 



Woman on Fire Video: 


About Clare Dubois and TreeSisters

Clare Dubois is the founder of TreeSisters.org, a feminine nature based organisation inspiring the world’s women to take shared leadership around tropical reforestation. TreeSisters reflects Clare’s exploration of the links between feminine consciousness and Nature’s intelligence. She and her team experiment overtly to discover how to call forth the unique capacities and creativity of women on behalf of the trees. Currently funding over 2M trees a year, they are calling for all of us to help them reach a goal of a billion trees a year as fast as we possibly can in the face of accelerating climate change.

Clare is known for her whole systems approach to behaviour change and her unending loyalty and love for the natural world. For two decades she created behaviour change processes within the personal growth and social change sectors, and volunteered for three years as the UK co-ordinator for a massive agro-forestry initiative in southern India called Project GreenHands (PGH) before initiating TreeSisters.  In her own life, her aim is to reclaim balance, rediscover freedom and health and to be 'walking permission' for those who are fed up of being held back, and just want to have a go.

Bleeding sustainably...

Most women are beginning to notice the rise in women owning their blood. Some find it over the top, gross, something that should continue to be private and toned down. 

Others, me included, find the power in knowing how my cycle influences me throughout the month. And more so how my way of living influences my cycle. It is our feedback system if we dare to listen. It tells a lot. And whether you feel like claiming it publicly or not, I can only recommend beginning to explore your cycle. 

This is not only the bleeding time, but the full cycle from pre ovulation all the way around to the days you bleed. 

Tuning into emotions, mood, physical sensation, energy. In this post I share a little more on tracking your cycle. Take a read…

For this post I wanted to bring attention to the less-waste approaches I’ve made when it comes to my cycle. 

It is very simple actually, I stopped buying pads, tampons (only used those when I was a teen) and have invested in 6 fabric pads and a luna cup. That is all I use. 

It is easy. I have a little wet bag for used pads. Wash them with towels etc. No smell or a bloody mess… haha. 

But the thing that brings me true joy is what it saves me money wise and Earth wise. 


The Numbers

Meet Jaluna Red ;) . She’s 50 and just had her last period. She had her first when she was 12. She has 2 children and with both kids her cycle began again 10 months after giving birth. 

The past 2 years her cycle has been a little irregular.  So taking all of this into calculation, she has had around 408 bleeds in her life time. 

Jaluna used to bleed 5 days on average and used 4-5 pads or tampons a day. (You can do your own calculation. I have 3 girls so I will experience fewer.) 

Jaluna has used a whopping 8160 pads/tampons in those years!! That’s a lot going down the drain or in the trash! 

She used a common brand, non organic etc. 1 pad cost her around 20cents.* So in her life time she spends roughly 1600USD on pads/tampons alone.

It’s a lot really. 


My calculation
So let’s say I have to buy three cups in my bleeding years. Each cup lasts around 10years = 17USD per cup.

And then 3x 6 cloth pads (those who can make them themselves can save even more) = 25USD for a 6pack.

All together it has cost me roughly 126USD with the zero waste version. 


A lot of math, but worth doing! 

So there are a few motivation pointers to look at when it comes to choosing what you use. And more and more are coming up: underwear was recently launched for example, so you don’t need any of the options above, sponges and more. 

Glancing at these numbers it gives me the sense of the scale of our choices. 

Little me may not make a big difference… we think. But let’s say that I get 4 friends to join me. We’ve already saved the world from 32640 pads/tampons. Each of those 4 inspires 4 more etc. and all of the sudden we are making an impact. 

Numbers will vary no doubt. Cost will vary no doubt. But the amount of trash we generate continues to rise. Where it goes. What it means to our Earth will also be discussed, for me my consumption and consumer habits is in my power and worth looking at 1 million *little me* actions is no longer insignificant! 

I hope that this post will inspire you to do your research and what is out there, and maybe find a way to bring the number down of what we throw away or flush out into our water. 

With Love

For inspiration on zero waste action in your business check out this post... 


*I ran it through Google and these are prices on average in Europe. See links below. It will vary from country to country. But the amount of pads being thrown away is the same, regardless of the price. 




What are you hungry for? with Rachel Cole (Copy)

What are you hungry for?

This interview moved me. The reflection of what I am hungry for still ripples during my day. You are going to love Rachel and her work is so important.

Rachel Cole is a certified life coach, celebrated retreat leader, and women’s empowerment expert. She has spent ten years guiding women to identify, understand and feed their truest hungers – at and away from the table. As an eating disorder survivor herself, Rachel speaks with great wisdom, sensitivity, and authority about what it takes to live as a well-fed woman in the modern world.

She has traveled across the United States and internationally speaking and teaching to sold-out gatherings of women on how they too can find ease and fulfillment in their lives simply by honoring their own hungers. Rachel holds a Masters Degree in Holistic Health Education and is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach.

Find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

Episode #21 with Nichole Kellerman (Copy)

get moving

Today we are getting moving with Nichole Kellerman Wurth. She just got back from Africa and guests us to share her wisdom about women's health, moving, and why it's important to look at diet and food in a different way.

Nichole wants to live in a world where women actually enjoy the process of losing weight + connecting with their bodies.

As a weight loss coach, she’s been featured on major websites like The Well Grounded Life, Your Great Life TV and The Greatist.

When she’s not fearlessly (but lovingly) pushing her clients into a lifestyle they dream of, you can find her laughing with friends, connecting with nature and loving up on her husband and two dogs.

Her business Wildly Alive Weight Loss is for women who want to stop dieting, re-frame their minds so they can reshape their bodies. Her teachings are like nothing you’ve ever heard.

Discover how you can lose weight by feeling #WildlyAlive at WildlyAliveWeightLoss.com.

Episode #20 with Kendra Kentor (Copy)


Listen in here

Kendra Kantor is a  Wellness Mentor and Guide for creative women who are looking to embrace their self discovery and improve their mental health wellness. She helps women take action toward becoming the person they want to be and living a life they have created to enjoy. Kendra wants to live in a world where mental and emotional wellness and self care is a top priority. And her big life goal is to travel in an RV full time with her husband and son.

She guests us for a chat about wellness in motherhood and how this can be a challenge. Kendra shares her vulnerable story - something many women can relate to but maybe don't talk about.

You can also find her here: 




Mama Bliss with Kathy Stowell (Copy)



Meet Kathy. For years here she been helping mamas simplify their family life and now Kathy also helps with simplifying their business.

Kathy stopped by for a chat about her coaching school, her passion for supporting moms, and her popular blog and why she does it all.

These days she especially loves teaching mamas how to share their experiences on their blog then serve others by turning these passions into a side, or full-time, work at home gig.

She runs the Mama Bliss coaching School, training mamas to become coaches and become self-employed. She is a wonder with her words and her workbooks alone can transform your biz. I did here training, and I really really liked it.

Check her out, the lovely Kathy


Facebook - BlissBeyondNaptime

Episode #17 with Patricia Mauerhofer (Copy)

Mind Body and Business with Patricia Mauerhofer

Today's guest is a wise woman who guests us to share your passion and knowledge mind body and business.

Mind-Body Success Mentor, Patricia Mauerhofer empowers women in business to making money and making a difference without harming their own health or sacrificing close relationships.

A certified project manager and professional coach, she is living her purpose and empowering others to find theirs. As a practicing Buddhist, she is mindful to talk her walk. Part of her mission is to spill over the happiness and joy she found within during many years of a debilitating disease and after healing herself in 2011 from this 'incurable' condition.

Patricia is guiding, coaching and teaching women who want to step into their power and live their best life in English, German, Swiss German and French.

Patricia's Website: http://patriciamauerhofer.com/

Connect with her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/patriciamauerhofer.mindbodysuccess

Life status: It’s complicated… (Copy)

Simple living

I know complicated! Yet I have never dealt with it well. Every time someone says “It’s complicated” I feel heaviness in my body - no thank you, never mind.

I am in many ways simple minded. I loose the storyline in sci-fi movies. I feel confused 3 lines in... “In a galaxy far far away, xanax-3000 was moving himself through time using a vibrator on fire. Humans on planet shiatsu were threatened as they had started becoming so full of themselves” Huh… ?? After 30 minutes of my boyfriend trying to explain it,  we both accept that I will catch 1/3 of the story and enjoy falling asleep to it instead.

I could never concentrate for more than 5 minutes reading anything scientific.

The harder the better. The more the merrier... not so much for me.

I feel that secretly, we glorify busy - doing more. Not out loud, no no we hate busy - but someone who say “Oh this week, yeah I went for a few walks and read a book”, it doesn’t really stir up a lot. Someone who has 2 jobs, runs the family neatly, looks great, works out, flew across the world in a day, volunteers for 3 charities, and does her husband 6 times a week, is awesome.

I am not devaluing any of it, but I do feel we in some ways as a society we have put complicated on a pedestal. The more complicated, the more value. The more praise and awe. But is there a shift happening here?

The most complicated for me was when worry became anxiety and darkness took over. Trying to manage the future, my thoughts, my identity crisis, people’s misunderstanding and disappointment, work, money, wanting more (of everything), the city, stress, relationship, body, health, exercise, getting better, faking it and making it, family, meditation, business, my own demands…. argh someone hit the stop button. So many choices, that it almost numbs me.

I have done complicated.

This year we chose to move from the city to the house I have talked about a few times. We wanted more simplicity in our life. We wanted to reduce the costs of living. We wanted to work less. We wanted our kids to see us more. We wanted to filter out some of the constant noise and stimulation of the city. All the doing was robbing me from what I was actually working so hard to have - happiness.

I am not perfect. It is a transition and complicated still get’s to me. I do however feel a HUGE shift in energy and ease when I choose simple. When I let it all drop and look at what makes my life rich - it’ s not more stuff or moneto.

Simple isn't for everyone. We need the people who can do the science and work out complicated stuff. I too like to dream and admire the academics who I have no clue what are saying half of the time.

But HOW MUCH of it ALL do we ALL need, ALL of the time?

Simple to me is freedom.


My 1:1 Intensive is a one to one 90 minute session for hardworking women who want to simplify their daily lives.

Working alongside me, in those 90 minutes we will look at what hasn't worked in the past, work towards sustainable ways to simplify, and most important look at the patterns that are no longer serving you.

At the moment, adding more into an already demanding schedule probably isn’t working for you; when can you really fit this in?

Let me show you how.


When the stress releaser, becomes the stress increaser (Copy)

women and stress

I can’t begin to count how many times I have heard “I should meditate at least 20 minutes a day” or “ I have to do yoga in the morning or it won’t work” or “ I just failed at it this week”.

We embark on these journeys with great intentions, we know it feels good when we slow down and tune in, or we hope it will - the article said so.

Then we roll up our sleeves and get to it the practice. The first week was great. You felt the benefits, it was nice to take the time for yourself, your family were good with it (maybe to your surprise). 

Then week two, "shit, the meeting was moved" and you didn’t keep the momentum going that day, your kid got sick and you feel asleep on the only night that you really could have worked some practice in. 

Oh no, now a little stress sets in, now it won’t work, you failed and it was just too hard to fit in. You feel that you should be doing and that the commitment you made just is more stress, then actually benefits of meditating, doing yoga, going for walks in nature etc. This was not the point AT ALL.

Do you recognize the essence of this? 

First thing: you can't be meditate wrong!

Second, there are a few things in play here; life, impatience, maybe the stretch from 0 to 45 minutes of meditation every day was too big. Shoulding which almost never motivated pleasurable and simple action.

I really want to help you create a sustainable practice, to expand presence in your life, without creating more stress in the process.

Join me for this free tele class

Mindful Woman

I will share 3 tips to support you to begin and create a sustainable meditation practice in your life, without increasing stress in your life. If you can't join live, no worries, a recording will be sent within 24 hours, to everyone who signs up.

You can do this. You aren’t doing it wrong. We will look at how to simplify to create a sustainable path for you.

Sign up here

Email Address

First Name

// <![CDATA[ (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); // ]]</p></div>

Episode #15 with Ellen Nightingale (Copy)


Ellen and I share a favorite quote. I knew as soon as I saw here website that I had to interview this woman.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.” 

~Maya Angelou

She works with moms to support communication skills and attachment skills. She works with moms who have children with special needs, and focuses on helping her clients find their voices and tell their stories.

Ellen Nightingale is a speech-language pathologist, coach, and writer. She currently leads workshops and retreats for moms to help them find their voices and tell their stories.

She stopped by to talk about speaking our truth, the importance of story and motherhood.

Check her out here:





Join me for this free tele class

Mindful Woman

I will share 3 tips to support you to begin and create a sustainable meditation practice in your life, without increasing stress in your life. If you can't join live, no worries, a recording will be sent within 24 hours, to everyone who signs up.

You can do this. You aren’t doing it wrong. We will look at how to simplify to create a sustainable path for you.

Sign up here

Email Address

First Name

The little house in the woods... (Copy)

When I was young, around 7 I think as we were still living in Canada at the time, I used to dream of living on my own in the woods. I was self-sufficient, no TV, heated the house with a fireplace. I had a garden and an old truck. I would go to the store once a week and stock up. I would write and it would be peaceful. I think that last piece might have been added in as I was the eldest of 4 at the time, and quiet wasn't let in the door. I dreamt that I would knit sweaters for poor kids in Africa... well my gram knit a lot and Labrador was so cold, I couldn't imagine that it could ever be too hot for a sweater. In that dream I was happy. I remember feeling at total ease when I thought about a life like that. I would chop wood, and being it was a 7 year old girl dreaming - there was no man in sight.

I love being by myself, going out in nature and the crisp Fall air especially. I am really only a "big gathering of people" person when I have a few beers. City life never got me falling in love, although I gave it a good try.

As we come to the end of 2014, everywhere there is a focus on the year to come, what do you want, where are you going, how do want to feel, notch it up, want more, do less, do better. It's all good, and setting intentions are great. For me around this time I like to sit back and enjoy what the year gone had to offer. This year that includes the little dream I had as a young girl, coming true.

Carina Lyall

(that's our house :))

Well most of it anyway· We added some kids, and don't have a truck. There is a TV for movies. I don't really finish any knitting I start. BUT, I am feeling what I felt when I was a little girl with a dream.

My friends look at me funny when I say I love the life we have here "But you're a city girl"... Nah... I am exactly where I want to be, right here. <3

So as 2014 comes to an end, what are you grateful for?


My 1:1 Intensive is a one to one 90 minute session for hardworking women who want to simplify their daily lives.

Working alongside me, in those 90 minutes we will look at what hasn't worked in the past, work towards sustainable ways to simplify, and most important look at the patterns that are no longer serving you.

At the moment, adding more into an already demanding schedule probably isn’t working for you; when can you really fit this in?

Let me show you how.


Episode #14 with Sara Christensen (Copy)


We had such a fun interview. I laughed most of the time and Sara is a such a great woman.

This podcast is about health, the body, why it isn't about food and oh yeah - Granny underwear... :)

About Sara

As an accomplished CEO, acclaimed coach, dynamic speaker and insightful author, Sara Christensen brings enormous enthusiasm, insight and lots of laughter to her clients.

Sara has been a successful entrepreneur for the past 20 years. She currently presides over a online health and weight-loss coaching business. Her programs are delivered virtually and available to women all across the world.

Previously she founded a wireless tech company in 2000 and ran the company until 2010 when she sold it. At that point, the company was doing $10 million in sale/year and had 75 full-time employees. It was Sprint's largest business partner for 5-years running and had clients such as Best Buy, State Farm, Starbucks, Microsoft, and Qualcomm.

She also worked in business development for a dot-com during the first peak of the Internet. She was in corporate information technology and marketing management for 8 years prior to that, at a high-tech firm, large giftware company, business development firm, and a real estate company. At the same time that she was working these corporate jobs, she founded and ran a consulting company that specialized in the sports and beauty industries.

Sara earned her Bachelors of Science degree from St. Cloud State University. She is a Certified Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and is certified through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. She is also a Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer.  

Check out her free resources here... 








Going BARE with Michelle Fetsch - Episode #13 (Copy)


Tune in to hear more about the BARE campaign and the importance of loving your body -exactly as it is.

Michelle Fetsch is the visionary behind the organization Women Enough whose BARE Campaign is empowering women of all shapes and sizes to expose their bodies and life stories with the world. Michelle has been coaching, mentoring, and advocating for women for nearly 15 years and is committed to supporting all women in being seen, heard and free.

Having spent years struggling with eating disorders, low self confidence and body image issues, Michelle founded Women Enough in 2010, a global support network committed to empowering women in realizing their personal and professional greatness. Women Enough believes a woman’s worth goes far beyond her beauty and is actively involved in spreading this message through media campaigns, events and local peer to peer support groups.

If you are interested in partnering with or getting involved with the BARE Campaign or Women Enough Michelle can be contacted at Michelle@WomenEnough.com.

Support the BARE Campaign and learn more by visiting www.WomenEnough.com or Facebook

Episode #12 - body love with Emily Brown (Copy)


Emily Brown is an Eating Psychology Coach and has made it her life work to completely revolutionize the way we think about health and our bodies. She recently completed her studies at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating and graduated from Nutrition Therapy Institute of Colorado in 2006.

She opened Blossom Yoga in Laramie, WY in 2008 and has been inspired through teaching and connecting ever since. She has a passion to empower others to live fully, speak confidently, and realize their self-worth. It is through yoga and understanding the true value of food that she began to feel freedom after years of over exercise, struggle with food, and hating her body. Emily believes totally that the experience of that freedom in others will begin to change the world!

Emily came by for chat about:

The self-compassionate woman podcast

 body love and why it's important

The self-compassionate woman podcast


The self-compassionate woman podcast

 living in Wyoming... :)

The self-compassionate woman podcast

 healthy body image

Connect with Emily on her Facebook page and her website. 

Episode #9 moving with Michele Young (Copy)

Self-compassion podcast show

A short episode on the power of moving your body. Connecting to your sensuality through dance. A fun talk with Michele Young.

Michele Young, MA is the creator of  MY Inspired Life which is dedicated to helping clients live healthy in mind, body, and spirit.  She combines her work as a fitness instructor, her Master’s degree in counseling psychology, and her interest in the arts to offer fitness classes, wellness workshops, as well as life coaching services.  Contact Michele if you are ready to start creating YOUR inspired life!

Also check her out on FB and Twitter www.facebook.com/MY-Inspired-Life and www.twitter.com/myinspiredtweet

Connect in Thursday: Friends (Copy)

Connect with friends

In times of stress, one of the first things I have neglected were my friends. The people that I didn’t have to feed or pick up somewhere. Not that I didn't miss them, I just couldn't find the energy to give anything.

But they are the connections that fill me up, give me that something extra and a good laugh. And I know from talking to them after hard times, that they never expected me to give a whole lot.

It can seem hard and overwhelming to to anything but the absolute necessary in times of stress. But those who truly love, support and care for us, are the ones that can give you what you need.

Connecting to your female friends is today’s focus.

[Tweet "This is a shout out to my friends. Thank you! È

Pick your phone, go to the computer or get your mail pigeon ready, and send a note of gratitude to a woman who is dear to you. Let them know how much they mean to you, why they are important, what you are grateful for in them.

Episode #8 with Karen Osburn (Copy)

Self-compassionate woman Karen Osborn

Do you shame yourself as a mom? Do you feel guilty about not being perfect?

Karen Osburn guests us today to talk about motherhood and embracing ourselves, our imperfections and vulnerability with more love.

Dr. Karen Osburn is a Chiropractor, Wife, and Adoptive Mommy of two young boys.

Her Chiropractic office, Synergy Family Wellness Centre in Alberta, Canada, owned with her husband, Dr. Ed Osburn has served wellness chiropractic care to the families in their community for 12 years.

But since becoming a Mom almost 4 years ago, Karen has really struggled with being a mom.  It was the hardest thing she had ever done, and she never felt like she was doing it right.  Karen found through blogging and in her conversations with patients and friends that other moms felt the same way, but yet thought it was just them.

So she decided to do something about it and created Mom at 41.

Mom at 41 is a Podcast, Website and Blog to provide support, inspiration and  a conversation to share struggles, the lessons learned from it, and to help Moms embrace their imperfections. Also check out her Facebook page here.