Birth Rockstar Shalome Doran (Copy)

I am pregnant, and a mom, but that's not the only reason why I love this woman and her mission. I have always been allergic to have to fit into to boxes, meet standards for a valid experience, or being forced into choices that just weren't aligned. And it happens so often. She is here to support you to make the choices that fit and suit YOU. 

Listen in here...

Shalome wants to live in a world where women approach their birth with excitement and awe. A highly-medicalised hospital birth and 2 sensational home births taught her that a little preparation can make ALL the difference, and that you can feel like a total Rockstar when you birth, regardless of how you birth. 

Shalome works with pregnant mamas to replace their fear of pain with the insights and self- belief to roar their baby out - by creating their own informed, empowered and amazing birth experience. When she’s not gushing about empowering birth stories, you can find Shalome editing her digital-baby, the Rockstar Birth Magazine 

Find out more here 

New Podcast Episode: Born through fire with Kaly McKenna (Copy)


Kaly McKenna shares her realness and rawness about life and when it doesn't go the way you thought. She is such an inspiration to many with her story and the stories she shares on her podcast show.

Kaly is an accomplished combat veteran and pilot whose life was turned upside down when her husband of ten years left her alone with a newborn. She began a journey of self-discovery that led to yoga with horses, leaping from waterfalls and ultimately connecting with a community of women who held her while she transformed.

Kaly has been Born Through Fire. She is now on a mission to give voice to others who are suffering in silence and turn their story into triumph through her podcast Born Through Fire at

Kaly turned her love for creative entrepreneurs and her genius at business into a successful business strategy service to build creatives wings to soar. 

Tune in to the podcast episode here... 


What to do when you wake up and the dog shits on your mood… (Copy)

This morning I woke up, the birds were singing, the kids were quiet, my man was snoring a little less than earlier that night, and the sun peeked through the trees outside my window.

All in all, pure bliss, until my pregnant super sonic sense of smell picked up on something odd and I remembered all the to do’s, and what happened at 3am…

Cut to the night before…

We had given the dog a proper bone. Norma was busy for 3 hours with the thing, and we had the couch to ourselves - bonus. But as a parent staying up passed 9.30pm it too hard, I was tired and kissed my man goodnight and went to bed to read “The Alchemist”. 

I started to nod off after 2 pages (I am thinking that maybe the life changing experience of reading the book, will never happen at that pace). I gave in and went to sleep. 

3am I wake up because the two year old was screaming 2 inches from my face, that she couldn't find her teddy. It took me about 15 minutes on all 4's, naked, in the dark, without my glasses on, to find her teddy. Emergency over. Goodnight. 

4am; elbowed the man as the snoring was out of this world - don’t lie on your BAAAAAAAACK. 

Cut back to this morning… 

So the dog and the bone!

Super sonic pregoo nose. 

Something is wrong. In all the beauty of this morning glory, the oder of dog shit was outrages. Please no. I am not cleaning it up - I can’t. I feel sick. I woke him up, begging him to take care of it only to get a super annoyed reply “It will be there in 30 minutes, now go back to sleep”. 

For the next 30 minutes I breathed through my mouth. Shifting between gagging and drifting off.

Luckily he was my hero and cleaned, what turned out to cover most of the living room floor, up - so gross. Note to self, don’t buy that kind of bone again. 

But the shit stuck to my mood and I spent an hour staring angry at the wall. 

My medicine for starting the day like this is to make a nice cup of tea, and take a moment to do nothing. If I wasn’t pregnant maybe it would be a morning mojito. 

Before I go outside with my cup of tea, I wish you a jolly good day.

Oh, glory the times you only crack yourself up (Copy)

So recently (yesterday) I was interviewing a woman I really admire. It was late at night, full moon, Mercury in Retrograde (what else are we blaming at the moment??) oh yeah, I’m pregnant and had just watched a show about antiques that was an hour long, but could have been a 15 minute ride if they had left out the 13 duuh duuuuhmmmm’s. So clearly, in retrospective I hadn't set myself up for a wam bam of an interview.

We got on the call and I went blank. Oh oh… then I messed up the introduction. You know the feeling when, as you are talking, your brain is going “Noooooo wrap it up”, but your mouth continues?

Getting past it, with somehow evolving my dialect into a thick accent of some kind, I started to warm up a little. I decided to half ass a joke about me messing up the intro and then nothing… only me laughing hard about my own fuck up. My upper lip started to sweat and I am sure I saw someone sneaking around outside the window, the dog farted and I went back into blank mode.


Most of which is going on in my head. I am sure she sensed something a little off, but nothing compared to the titanic of a melt down going on across cyberspace. 

Picking up today I have contemplated quite a few excuses as to why the interview won’t go live. But why? Too shameful to show the imperfect nature, that is me? Scared she thinks I am a total loon. Scared that you can hear the dog farting in the interview and that people will think it was me? 

Knowing, as there always is, someone will send me an email about how I could really bring it to the next level with 1 of 15 proven steps to being more professional, controlled, closer to 6 figures or what have we. 

Moving past that, it will be going live. It was real and I am making a commitment to not polishing off the sides of life that happen to all of us, just because they are horrifically unsexy. 

I am ordinary and owning it…

New Podcast Episode with Laura Simms (Copy)

I had the pleasure of chatting with this stunning and inspiring woman. She is a wise one and shifted a lot for me on passion vs. purpose and how causing passion can run me (maybe you too?) tired... 

Listen to this weeks episode here...

Laura Simms turns traditional career coaching on its head by asking folks to ditch their passions and start with purpose.

Over 60 websites, podcasts, and universities have turned to Laura for career advice, including US News & World Report, The Huffington Post, and The University of California, Irvine.

After struggling through her own career transition, Laura developed Your Career Homecoming, her signature career change process, to help people find careers that feel like home. This unconventional curriculum sidesteps the standard and often ineffective “What do you want to be?” approach to consider what really matters most: purpose, legacy, identity, money, service, and self-expression.

Working with clients internationally, Laura is proving that the purpose-driven approach leads to meaningful, profitable careers, and that making a living and making a life go hand in hand.

Creative inspiration:

Free training and

Morning walks... (Copy)

Since we got Norma in the beginning of February I have gone for morning walks with her. It has become my morning ritual, which I stick to most mornings. It is also the first ritual that I really really enjoy without force. 

There is something a little magical about being in slow pace, when the rest of the world is hurrying to get places. And I have become friends with a lot of the old people around here. 

It has made a big difference in how I function the rest of the day and I really feel it when I don’t get out for that walk. 

We live in this amazing place where the beach is 5 minutes away, our house is in the woods, a cozy little town close by and many places to go exploring with a dog. 

Even though (ew) with all the wild life around there are so many gross things for the dog to eat. Being pregnant and finding your dog munching away on a dead bird/horse shit/rotten fish and other goodies, isn’t such a great combo… 

Usually I bring my phone to take pictures (not of the dogs feast mind you), as the sky, the sea and life around here looks different every morning. 

These are from our walk this morning. 

Come join us in Instagram for a little photo challenge. We start May 15th

6 prompts, 6 days, 6 scholarship spots for "Awake in the Ordinary"

The Ordinary Woman Series: Aurora Lagattuta (Copy)

I have invited women, ordinary, amazing women to share their story. I love listening to stories about life. And we all have an extraordinary, ordinary story to share. Today a dear sister shares her stories. Please meet Aurora... <3


Aurora Lagattuta, 29 San Diego. Engaged. I am a dance and yoga teacher and creator of BodyBoca. 

Heal: my confidence in myself as a dancer.

The Ordinary body holds expression.

I am a dancer, a choreographer, a teacher and a healer. Although, I can say that now with ease, it took me a long time to honor these gifts. As a child, I was so easily identifiable as a performer, a lover of play and an open channel to the unseen. Like so many, I had to think that I loss that part of myself to realize who I truly am and always have been, the extraordinary, ordinary me. 

When I was fourteen, my parents hit some hard financial times. I grew up in a big Italian Irish family in inner-city Chicago. As second born of four children, I learned to eat fast so I could get seconds, how to live jammed into one room with two siblings and mostly how to not ask for too much. I loved to dance, loved, loved, loved it. And I excelled at it. By fourteen, I was asked to be in a professional training company, it was a dream come true. However, it was also very expensive and my parents where balancing tuition so we could go to private school as the inner city public school system in Chicago at that time was pretty rough and dangerous. We couldn't afford it. I quit. I auditioned for theatre shows at my show instead and was met with huge success, leads in various plays, theatre award and acceptance to a very prestigious theater university in New York City.

My university in New York had many opportunities for me move and I grabbed them all. I discovered yoga and Butoh and feel in love. I found safe places where I could express my body. All my work continued to revolve around the body and dance. I graduated only to teach yoga and find more places to study dance. I self taught myself most things and this got me surprisingly far, I danced for a few small companies in Portland, OR. Yet, I wasn't satisfied. I wanted to prove that I was indeed a dancer. I wanted a degree, a piece of paper, something to stop the insecure feelings from coming. Because for me, I still was just not quite good enough.

I applied for grad school to get an MFA in dance. Again, the financial situation of my family inhibited the credit on my school's account. I was unable to get a diploma or transcript released. No school. At this point in my life, really a lot of things were going well.  I was working and living in Hawaii, I was dancing, I had great friends, but I wasn't satisfied. I was pissed at my family. At a lack, I starting performing my dancing live at open mics and although I was insecure about it, I was met with such positive feedback. I moved people. I did not have the best technique but I had a lot of heart.

This started to open me. Maybe my lack of training was actually a gift. Maybe a part of me chose this situation with my family, chose not to have degrees. Maybe I was enough, just my honest authentic moving self. I made a solo about this new found acceptance called Inside the Whale. I had a successful kickstarter campaign that funded me to dance in Europe. I toured the show throughout Europe and the USA, from Berlin to Barcelona to Chicago to Broadway in NYC. In fact, the show was just awarded a performance in Warsaw in June. 

Now, let me tell you, Inside the Whale isn't your typical dance movement, it is raw, honest and from my heart and it has been accepted and loved by many! It's authenticity has moved people. Just me. My ordinary self and body! This whole process of surrendering to myself and honoring the ordinary body led me to make BodyBoca, my dance company that works with dancers of any age and ability. I realized that the part of me that needed healing, that anyone can dance and express themselves in performance regardless of their body type or background, I could share with others. 


In BodyBoca I work with groups of diverse dancers for 6 months at a time, in classes and workshops, to empower dancers to honor that beautiful expression that their natural ordinary body holds. It's magical work and I see huge changes in people. Ex-dancers, people who have always wanted to move, people with body image concerns, dance lovers, all kinds of people step into their natural ability to move their body, to dance! As we build connection to our body, we also build a performance. The performance is an incredible opportunity for the dancers to step into owning just how beautiful, powerful and profound their bodies are as they allow themselves to be seen. It's an incredible journey that I have had and it's a joy and gift to now facilitate that for others.


I want to be clear that I'm not bashing trainings or schooling at all.  Its all useful tools, but rather I'm promoting expressing your natural body freely, without a desired physical form and seeing what you discovery. Our bodies hold our pain, pleasures, fears, desires, sadness, joy, dreams and powers. A practice I truly love to do daily is to put on some music, breathe deep and listen in to how my body wants to move. And then I just move for sometime. What wants to be released? What insights does my body want to share with me? What does it want me to express? It's a playful moving meditation. 


I have a wild big dream that one day people of all ages will gather together and dance for one another. Move their natural body freely and express what they need to. I desire to see more performances that include diversity of backgrounds and ages. I desire to see performance and the act of moving to be used as a healing ritual and rite of passage to help us along the path. Dance your day, dance your love for someone, dance for your ancestors, dance for peace. I want to see a world in which our ordinary body is empowered and seen for its sheer extraordinariness. 

Aurora Lagattuta laughs loudly, dreams wildly and waves her hands rapidly when she excited.  A choreographer, performer, teacher and creator of dances, interdisciplinary performances and films. She has created works ranging from community projects to ensemble and solo performances for site-specific and theatre venues across U.S.A., Europe and Asia.

She has found a multidisciplinary style that blurs the lines between theatre, dance and post-dance. Her highly embodied pieces often use multiple lanuages, poetry, song, abstract narratives, video and live scuplture with dance and theatrical movement. Her work has been described as being, “bizarre and beautiful” as well as “transformational” and “otherwordly.”

She has been awarded residencies at Bali Purnati in Bali, Indonesia; La Caldera in Barcelona, Spain; Palacio de Festivales and Espacio Espiral in Santander, Spain; and Forn de La Calc in Catalunya, Spain. She was a P.O.R.C.H. recipient at Ponderosa in Germany and achieved a successful Kickstarter campaign in 2012 for her solo, Inside the Whale. Most recently, she was awarded the United Solo Europe Award and is being flown to Warsaw, Poland to perform her solo, Inside the Whale. 

My business 
BodyBocaBody + Boca (Spanish for mouth) is about honoring the creative expression that every body holds. BodyBoca was created by Aurora in 2013 in Santander, Spain at Espacio Espiral Movement Laboratory with a bunch of free spirited Spaniards making dance performance and video, and has since travelled here to San Diego with Aurora. BodyBoca's mission is to empower participants to listen to their natural body through the creation of authentic community-inclusive dance. 




Upcoming show stand tall event page:

The Magic of Circle with Sora Surya No (Copy)

Sora Surya No is a transformative business coach, intuitive mentor, international retreat leader, inspirational speaker, fire igniter, heart whisperer, nomadic entrepreneur, world traveler, sister, friend, and lover of love.

Listen in here

She is also a dear friend and woman of great inspiration to me. She has shown me the true value of sisterhood and she guests the Podcast show today, to talk about sisters, circle and why that kind of support is so important. 

Sora brings women together online and in person all over the world. The groups she runs are so full of love and openness. Please check her out here:



And my favorite Instagram

Selfie Love with Vivienne McMaster (Copy)

Interview with Vivienne McMaster today on the podcast. 

I adore this woman. She has such a fun and loving spirit and I was over the moon when she accepted being part of the podcast. We talked about selfies, self-love and having fun with it all. 

Listen in here

Vivienne McMaster is a photographer with a big heart and a spirit of playfulness.  She is part whimsical, part urban, and definitely quirky.  She teaches a wide variety of photography and video based e-courses and believes that self-portraiture and creative exploration can save our lives.  She shares colorful visual stories over at her website. 

Since 2013, Vivienne's mission has become even more focused on helping people see themselves with kindness through their cameras and she is so honoured to be able to share this work through her blog and through Be Your Own Beloved. 

I can really recommend checking her out on Instagram - I do :) 

To feel content - do you? (Copy)

Over 4 years ago I read Sarah Napthali's book "Buddhism for mothers of young children".  It is a great book, it brought understandable language to a profound practice and the ups and downs of being a mom. It resonated with me then and still very much does. 

Nearly every class I teach hears about the book and I usually read this passage to them. This is my favorite little snippet. 

It touched me deeply. Reflections arose about; What am I running towards and why? 

It wasn't about killing my desires and drive, but waking up to why they were important and seeing all that I had right here in front of me. Something I remind myself of often. I have so much.  It came back to my fascination of the ordinary and what really makes us feel happy and content, for em it has never been determined my the sensational events in my life. 

Check out the book she is amazing. 

I would love to hear a quote that moves you, please share in the comments below. 

My Monica closet. (Copy)

It is no secret that I often feel challenged with the mess of having kids, a dog and a man who doesn't have the same need for tidying as me. I wouldn't want to call myself a cleaning fanatic or obsessed with order (pretty sure none of our friends would either), but clutter stresses me. 

We moved into this house a year ago. For 30 years a sweet man lived here before us. He spent most of his time drinking and smoking and not really cleaning. So it is no understatement that this place needed a little work. Till this day I feel nauseous just thinking about removing wallpaper - never again. 

Anyway, most of the house is really nice, we worked hard. But one little storage room/stair case needed a little love. And I couldn't be asked. Let's close the door and come back next year. It smelled, the spiders were having a right party and who needs old poster casings really?

The before... 

Then I was on a call with a woman who is a Feng Shui expert. 'Oh yeah Carina, that's your wealth corner'.. of course it is.

So it was time - to wrestle the clutter and get some space into my wealth corner/clutter shrine/Monica closet. 

Since my wealth corner was swamped, our budget was low, and I just used what we had at home and bought a few extra supplies for around $30.

I robbed the kid's creative shelf and cut petals for 2 hours. The man looked sceptic. 'where are they going up?'.

It's still a storage room, an old house and has a little basement smell, but go wealth corner. 

And tada here's the after. 

Anywhere you feel you could do some spring cleaning? 

The Beautiful Ordinary (Copy)

Something I love more and more is the word Ordinary. For a long time it was totally not sexy or desirable and I find we run really fast to get away from it. 

As an entrepreneur I get told to and spend a shit load of time, defining why I am anything but ordinary - I am to share all my amazingness with you. We all have that too, it's great, but I also feel that what connects us as humans is the ordinary, common humanity. 

It ain't 6-figures coming in each day or getting on Oprah. Nothing wrong with that at all, it for me just doesn't categorize as ordinary. It only connects a few.

The ordinary is what makes me feel less alone, what makes me laugh, what connects me to others, what allows me to breath and exhale with a phew... I am not the only one. I love listening to stories about people's lives, their fears and their joys. 

So I scribbled down a little on what comes up for me in my life, the ordinary, the ugly and the beautiful.

The ordinary in my life is... (or toothpaste), on my clothes when I show up for a meeting. It really happens, and I am so sure I checked before I left the house... (ordinary or slob)

...tearing up and the first school intro meeting for my oldest. The teacher happened to mention something about reading. I cry a lot. 

...toilet paper

...fearing that something will happen to my loved ones. And thinking that the best solution would be to just keep everyone at home all the times.

...regreting the statement above after a week of everyone being at home, sick. Now contemplating  different ways to deal with my fear of death.

...not enough sleep, and waking up some mornings just to be stunned by the reflection in the mirror - why the hell do I look like a man when I tired. 

...going to bed at 7:45pm and hating to admit it. No, last night, yeah we hosted a dinner for 15 of our closest friends... not. 

...feeling out of control on Amazon. "but babe, it's so weird, I only ordered 2 books and they happened to send 6. 


...making mistakes. And the shame of having made one. The harsh inner-voice telling me off for not mastering it all. 

...the simple fact that many times I just don't know...

What's your ordinary? 

On purpose with Helene Scott (Copy)

Listen in here

Helene is here to talk about doing business on purpose. She is so down to earth and fun - and even if you aren't in business you are going to enjoy her insights, they go beyond. 

HÉLÈNE SCOTT helps daring female solopreneurs build the business they were born to create, by identifying their why, owning it + acting on it with conviction.

With a background in graphic, web + user experience design, plus years of building brands + start-ups from the ground up — Hélène offers a highly intuitive + empathetic approach on how to craft a brand + business that is undeniably YOU, which in turn acts like a homing device to the very people you most want to serve.

Check out this awesome woman here...

signature free training —>

mastermind membership —>

Social Haunts:

What are you hungry for? with Rachel Cole (Copy)

What are you hungry for?

This interview moved me. The reflection of what I am hungry for still ripples during my day. You are going to love Rachel and her work is so important.

Rachel Cole is a certified life coach, celebrated retreat leader, and women’s empowerment expert. She has spent ten years guiding women to identify, understand and feed their truest hungers – at and away from the table. As an eating disorder survivor herself, Rachel speaks with great wisdom, sensitivity, and authority about what it takes to live as a well-fed woman in the modern world.

She has traveled across the United States and internationally speaking and teaching to sold-out gatherings of women on how they too can find ease and fulfillment in their lives simply by honoring their own hungers. Rachel holds a Masters Degree in Holistic Health Education and is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach.

Find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

Simple Pleasures vol. 1 (Copy)

Simple pleasures, but why not aim for the big mind-blowing out of this world experiences. I like simple. I find joy in the small(er) things, as they bring me to where I already am. What is right here. What can be enjoyed, seen and felt here. It's not hunting sensation or avoiding pain, it is waking up to the pleasure of life.

When I was at several anxiety attacks a day, keeping myself indoors, afraid of living because it felt too painful - one of the things that supported the transition into feeling alive again was opening up to the "little" things. A nice shower, a song I fell in love with, a kiss, a hug, a good laugh, the sun, silence, sounds.

Funny thing is, I haven't felt the need to move away from those things, they are what life is to me. Simple pleasures happen everyday, and they make me feel full, content. Big bursts of special occasions are cool, but not what I live for. They do not make my daily life rich.

So for inspiration I will be sharing a simple pleasures series on the blog, and welcome to vol. 1. Grab what resonates or use the direction to open up to the things in your life.

Here we go.

Moving to the tunes...

I have fallen in love with a young woman from Tennessee. Valerie Junemakes me wanna move, fills my body with ease, touches something deep inside. Music has always done crazy things to me, and I love to dance. This week this song has done the trick. Enjoy.

For fun...

David Lynch Weekend

A lonesome evening, when the kids were finally asleep and I found myself bored - I ran through Instagram and found the funniest # ever. I laughed till I cried which can be weird when you are on your own.

It is #whymysoniscrying

Now the funny thing is not the photos of crying children.

What makes it so funny are the reasons they are crying. The situations where you as a parent feel you have dropped into the closing scene of a David Lynch movie - What, why, where, I don't get it (still have no clue what Lost Highway was about).

Like when you give your kids the snack they specifically asked for, but placed the plate an inch in the wrong direction and it is mayhem for about 15 mins. Or you walked into a room, not knowing it was going to ruin their day. Or you breath too close to them etc. It is funny because, thankfully you realize you are not alone, and that the frustration seems to be universal.

If you need a laugh check out that hashtag on instagram.

For stillness...

Sitting outside...

...closing your eyes and feeling the air and wind against your face. Sensing the crispness of winter. We don't have to make it formal and call it mediation, or set ourselves up to all sorts of things. Just that moment when you allow yourself a moment of stillness, to just be. Letting your body sink a little deeper to where you are. Knowing that space has nothing to do with time. It can be for one in breath or 100. How does it feel.

Stillness simpel pleasures

Episode #21 with Nichole Kellerman (Copy)

get moving

Today we are getting moving with Nichole Kellerman Wurth. She just got back from Africa and guests us to share her wisdom about women's health, moving, and why it's important to look at diet and food in a different way.

Nichole wants to live in a world where women actually enjoy the process of losing weight + connecting with their bodies.

As a weight loss coach, she’s been featured on major websites like The Well Grounded Life, Your Great Life TV and The Greatist.

When she’s not fearlessly (but lovingly) pushing her clients into a lifestyle they dream of, you can find her laughing with friends, connecting with nature and loving up on her husband and two dogs.

Her business Wildly Alive Weight Loss is for women who want to stop dieting, re-frame their minds so they can reshape their bodies. Her teachings are like nothing you’ve ever heard.

Discover how you can lose weight by feeling #WildlyAlive at

Episode #20 with Kendra Kentor (Copy)


Listen in here

Kendra Kantor is a  Wellness Mentor and Guide for creative women who are looking to embrace their self discovery and improve their mental health wellness. She helps women take action toward becoming the person they want to be and living a life they have created to enjoy. Kendra wants to live in a world where mental and emotional wellness and self care is a top priority. And her big life goal is to travel in an RV full time with her husband and son.

She guests us for a chat about wellness in motherhood and how this can be a challenge. Kendra shares her vulnerable story - something many women can relate to but maybe don't talk about.

You can also find her here: 




Mama Bliss with Kathy Stowell (Copy)



Meet Kathy. For years here she been helping mamas simplify their family life and now Kathy also helps with simplifying their business.

Kathy stopped by for a chat about her coaching school, her passion for supporting moms, and her popular blog and why she does it all.

These days she especially loves teaching mamas how to share their experiences on their blog then serve others by turning these passions into a side, or full-time, work at home gig.

She runs the Mama Bliss coaching School, training mamas to become coaches and become self-employed. She is a wonder with her words and her workbooks alone can transform your biz. I did here training, and I really really liked it.

Check her out, the lovely Kathy

Facebook - BlissBeyondNaptime

We have gone crazy (Copy)


My clients always tell me how frustrating it is that their thoughts are ruining their attempt to meditate. Thoughts make so much noise that it blocks the inner peace they set out to feel.

I'll get back to that...

Well, us city people are feeling the sweetness of country living in a, well lets put it lightly, challenging way… We have mice EVERYWHERE.

The first day, we tore the house apart stuffing holes, cleaning, pulling our hair and finally collapsing in the middle of chaos trying to find energy for the clean-up…

Really happy and satisfied with round 1 of the war against mice - we went to bed. We woke up and there was MORE mouse droppings all over the house - say what? How did this happen.

We discussed the same procedure as yesterday neither of us had the energy. We discussed moving - seemed like less of a deal then the clean up. And setting the house on fire was up for a while too.

The kids looked scared, so we went with cleaning. And the past week has continued in this fun little dance. My partner wakes up looking manic and angry. I have gone into everything is so weird it’s funny, which is calming no one.

Last night the little pain was back again. The kids are finally (jinxed?) sleeping through the night, but last night our ol' pal Mr. mouse sounded like he was rearranging walls... So there I was banging on things at 3am in the morning. Couldn't find my glasses, so with a lack of visual I was making random noises with no clear plan and talking in tongue to myself.

It dawned on me in all the madness, as we were working ourselves up to crazy, it is the same way with thoughts.

We fight them like mouse-busting. The more they stay, increase and drop(ping) in our mind, the more frustrated and desperate we get. So I get that the mouse has to stay out of the kitchen, but I don’t want them gone off the face of the earth. I feel they are gross in my food, but cute when I see them jumping around outside.

As with thoughts they have the right to be here, they have a function and aren’t the enemy. They do however have a place, and nor the whole picture or defining factor about how you feel about your "house".

So how do you relate to your thoughts? Do they overwhelm you? Do you feel you have to run with or after every thought that floats by?

I believe that there is such freedom in allowing our thoughts to come and go, and not feeling that we need to tend and kill every single one.

Episode #18 with Adedayo Fashanu (Copy)

The art of being alive


Adedayo Fashanu is a millennial who refuses to play small and is ready to be a game changer in her generation. A writer, mental health and wellness advocate. She lives on the one philosophy that we are all designed to live a thriving life regardless of our backgrounds, resources available, locations or anything we might feel as an existing barrier to rising above our status Quo.

She is a Nigerian born twenty-three year old who is a goal-getter, a dreamer and a visionary. She began college at the age of fifteen and was recorded to be the youngest attended student and graduate with her associates at seventeen and her bachelors in psychology at nineteen, currently in her masters to be a psychotherapist.  She is also a graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition NYC where she studied holistic health and nutrition.

An emerging social entrepreneur; her self-started company LifestyleWellbeing Co. LLC is a growing new business which she aims to use it a platform to promote mental health and holistic wellness.

Her latest undertaking is a coffee-table book she is creating titled “The Art of Being Alive.” The book project is a collection of stories from people all over the world that explores what it means to come alive and to live fully. She believes that by sharing people’s come alive stories in this book, the reader will be pumped up to go live out fully alive because the art of being alive is on the other side of fear.

Social Media Links:

instagram @AdedayoFashanu

3 ways you can be a part of the evolving of the project: 

1.Be in the book or a part of the movement by using this form to submit your inspiring story: (every submission will be used either in the book if submitted early or in the social media feed to promote the movement)

2.Watch the youtube trailer here:

3.Like us on facebook to support the project :

Watch out for our possibly indiegogo campaign to push this project to the next level…