The BEcoming Nature Workshop
How To Become Invisible In A World That Demands To See Everything
It almost seems counterintuitive to ask you to become invisible, in a time where so many of us are asked to be on, step up and out, work on your visibility. We are asked to share, speak, be switched on.
But invisibility, in a way, is my invitation
I hope you will join me
Many of us experience fatigue or restlessness around being plugged in to the content stream of information, sensation, news, opinions and demands of the world. We are not geared for that overload, yet we can’t seen to step away.
If you are on SoMe, you are visible around the clock. There is an open window to you and your life 24/7.
I am offering here a space, to reconnect to nature, to nourish the love story that also lives strong and well. To create a space of hope and connection, to meet the earth from this place in us as well - together.
What wonder do we see when we sink in and become a part of the landscape?
What happens if you close that window for a moment and instead become more visible to the world under our feet?
I am now offering this exploration of intimacy and coming closer to the natural world.
To stillness, listening and observation. Within and around us.
Photo from a art project and collaboration between bodypainters Leonie Gené and Joerg Duesterwald - photographers Laila Pregizer and Uwe Schmida
The course:
There are 3 modules to explore:
To awaken connection
To write the earth to life (the one comes with the opportunity to publish your words on my website)
To become invisible… just for a moment
For each module there is an audio, a written piece and inspiration to go deeper.
You go through them in your own pace. Taking your time.