One short paragraph wouldn't do anyone's life justice but here are some of the highlights. 

Throughout my life I have moved every 2nd year. Born amongst the Natives in Northern Canada, I moved to Denmark in the 90's and within those countries we got quite the tour. I continued as an adult. I popped up all over the place - the world was my oyster. 

As a young woman in 2001, I swooped off to Bosnia to work on an American HQ military camp. I extended that stay and continued onto a British camp in Kosovo in 2002, a  tour that hit me hard and changed everything about my outlook on life. Coming home I experienced severe stress and anxiety and spent the next few years running. 

I drank, smoked, over ate, partied, didn’t sleep, and wasn’t alone for more than 5 minutes to avoid feelings. It was all too painful. It continued to be very overwhelming. I isolated myself more and more and living was really no longer a part of life.