A Plastic Planet with Frederikke Magnussen ☾ 1

In case you missed the news, I have launched a podcast

Becoming Nature is here to inspire you to come closer to nature.

On episode one of the very first season, I talk to Frederikke Magnussen, co-founderof A Plastic Planet.

Frederikke and his team at A Plastic Planet are on a mission.

They know that conventional plasticis what we see everywhere!

And they know that the way plastic is described is confusing. Some examples are “bio-plastic”,“drop in bio-plastic”, “oxo-biodegradable plastics”- how on earth do we know the difference?!

All three of the aboveconventional plastics take hundreds of years to break down.

And they’re damaging our marine life and polluting our planet at an awful, awful unprecedented rate. 

Or listen on iTunes here...

A Plastic Planet are all about plain speaking.

It’s either plastic, or it’s not plastic!

Plastic, somewhere along the line, has become super confusing and a complicated issue for everyone.

For people who aren’t bothered about change, they just try to complicate it even further!

A Plastic Planet want to bring a straight-talking simplicity to the world of plastic, using language that everyone can relate to. 

Hurrah for plain and simple to understand English!


In the podcast, Frederikke and I talk about:

  • the facts about single use plastic

  • how we can turn off the tap

  • where we can put pressure to help turn the climate ship around

  • When you can buy gluten-free, fat-free, dairy-free; why can we not buy plastic-free?

Tune in now and listen to this can’t-miss episode. 


And as a bonus treat, click here to get a free PDF treat - Top tips to turn off the plastic tap.