Plastic free

Move Like Water with Easkey Britton ☾ 5

Today’s guest is Easkey Britton. A scientist, academic and social activist, with a PhD in Environment and Society, Easkey is always one to look in places others aren’t for the answers to difficult questions. Her curiosity and passion for fairness and gender equality are the qualities that others to her.

She currently works as a research scientist at the National University of Ireland, Galway, where she explores the use of blue and green space to restore health and wellbeing. Most recently she joined the EU-funded SOPHIE project on Oceans and Human Health and her work will focus on ensuring everyone has a voice in setting the direction of oceans and human health research, identifying key people who should be involved in the stakeholder discussions.

credit ANDREW KAINEDER / @kaineder

A life-long surfer, Easkey’s parents taught her to surf when she was four years old and she channels her passion for surfing and the sea into social change. Her work is deeply influenced by the ocean and the lessons learned pioneering women’s big-wave surfing in Ireland and introducing the sport of surfing with women in Iran.

Passionate about facilitating creative & collaborative processes, Easkey founded Like Water, a platform to explore innovative ways to reconnect with who we are, our environment and each other, through water.

Easkey is a one off, wild hearted and free spirit. She’s ridden some of the biggest waves in Ireland; no audience, no blue skies, no golden sands, just her and a crew she trusts. Doing something she loves; chasing cold water mountains.

Watch a recent film Easkey made about her connection to the sea and its cycles below.

A Lunar Cycle:

Links mentioned in this episode:

She is one to listen to if you are interested in how we can take action and re-connect to nature. How we can heal the overwhelm and fear and begin to create the change we desire.

6 Plastic Free Solutions for your Everyday life ☾ Mini Episode

6 Plastic Free Solutions for Your Everyday Life

In this mini episode I present 6 easy swaps from plastic to plastic free you can make in your home. These won't cost you much, some will even save you money. Comfort wise you should still be covered as well... ;) 

Is it full on Zero waste with little selection, no. Is it a good start, YES. This may tickle your curiosity to more changes, more ways to limit your waste. We all start with what and where we can. 

Some of them you probably know, or have heard of, maybe you just forgot or don't have resources for where to get your hands on them. Maybe this is your first time looking into what you can do to decrease amounts of trash and plastic in your household. 

Either Way I hope you will find it helpful and feel free to share with your friends that may need some Inspiration. 

The links presented are NOT affiliate links, just companies I really like or have been recommended. I've tried to link to companies that are located on different continents, so we lower the foot print that shipping World Wide can leave!

Also most big Cities now have stores dedicated to Zero Waste living. Health Food Stores have more and more options for plastic free living etc. And the more we ask, the more they will respond to the demand. Our Dollar is our vote.