Art by Cille Vengberg
Today I speak with a really good friend of mine, Rich Skrein. We’ve been in the same storytelling mentorship for nearly a year now. We share many different interests and I’ve been curious about his work with nature, children and educators since first getting to know him.
It became a heartfelt conversation about our place, as humans, in the greater eco system.
Rich shares about his work, about returning to England, being a primary school teacher and started taking his students outside to experience nature. He observed the transformative effect it had on the children, witnessing them coming alive in ways that couldn't be fully expressed within the confines of the classroom. A transformation happening in him as well.
We get into the more personal wonder about and in the world and how we as adults need this just as much as the children.
“How much awe and wonder was there when I was able to take them to the beach? How much awe and wonder was there when I took them to the deep forest? It’s right there. They were able to grow in ways that I couldn’t give them in the classroom.”
Richard is a Forest School teacher trainer, ecological educator, storyteller and author. He can be found in the woods of Europe and England and is a storyteller and experienced educational professional with a profound and enduring passion for the natural world.
He worked for many years in the classroom as a primary school teacher before swapping four walls for the magic of natural environments.
He is the author of three books: 5o things to do in the wild. 50 things to do with a stick and 50 things to do in the snow.