Sacred Ceremony with Sandra Ingerman ☾ 10

This talk was important. With the increase in longing and ceremonial offers, I wanted to talk about what we understand, when we talk about ceremony. Sandra’s newest book ‘The Book of Ceremony’ was released just before the interview and it too is worth a read.

Ceremony is beautiful, it takes intention and preparation. For me it brings us together to honor the things we don’t in everyday life. To give thanks. To give back before we take. To lean back and listen. To honor the life-giving foundations.

This talk evolved into how we bring this work to our children and why it is so important to include them.

Listen to Sandra <3

About Sandra Ingermann

Sandra is a world renowned teacher of shamanism and has been teaching for more than 30 years. She has taught workshops internationally on shamanic journeying, healing, and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods. Sandra is recognized for bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods into our modern culture addressing the needs of our times.

 Sandra is known for gathering the global spiritual community together to perform powerful transformative ceremonies as well as inspires us to stand strong in unity so we do our own spiritual and social activism work while keeping a vision of hope and being a light in the world.

 She is passionate about helping people to reconnect with nature.

Find her here