
Episode #8 with Karen Osburn (Copy)

Self-compassionate woman Karen Osborn

Do you shame yourself as a mom? Do you feel guilty about not being perfect?

Karen Osburn guests us today to talk about motherhood and embracing ourselves, our imperfections and vulnerability with more love.

Dr. Karen Osburn is a Chiropractor, Wife, and Adoptive Mommy of two young boys.

Her Chiropractic office, Synergy Family Wellness Centre in Alberta, Canada, owned with her husband, Dr. Ed Osburn has served wellness chiropractic care to the families in their community for 12 years.

But since becoming a Mom almost 4 years ago, Karen has really struggled with being a mom.  It was the hardest thing she had ever done, and she never felt like she was doing it right.  Karen found through blogging and in her conversations with patients and friends that other moms felt the same way, but yet thought it was just them.

So she decided to do something about it and created Mom at 41.

Mom at 41 is a Podcast, Website and Blog to provide support, inspiration and  a conversation to share struggles, the lessons learned from it, and to help Moms embrace their imperfections. Also check out her Facebook page here.

Episode #4 earthing with Olga Dossa (Copy)


Olga is a yogini, mama and the founder of Peaceful Mothering with Olga Dossa. She is committed to supporting mothers to step into their radiance by loving themselves first and claiming their desires.

Through her journey with postnatal depression, she learned that she couldn’t give her best from an empty cup. She left her high paying corporate career to pursue a life that would bring her peace and inspire her daughter to live her own greatest life.

Her great love for her daughter took her on the path of yoga, ayurveda and self-love. Olga believes that when mothers love themselves first, their children will thrive.

In this episode we talk about

The self-compassionate woman podcast

 how to stay grounded

The self-compassionate woman podcast

 why taking of yourself, as well as you family, is important

The self-compassionate woman podcast

 how we pass our way of living on to our children

The self-compassionate woman podcast

 working yourself too hard and Olga's personal story about working through postpartum depression

Interested in learning more about Olga? You can find her on her website, on Facebook, Instagram, Pintrest and Twitter.

Make sure to pick up your free bedtime relaxation to help you release the tension of the day and give you more radiance and vitality.

Episode #1 - With Jess Grippo (Copy)


The new Podcast is off to a great start, starring the Beautiful Jess Grippo

Jess Grippo is a dancer, writer, inspirational speaker, and life coach. Her work is about inspiring people to dance through life: to become more self-expressed, to find peace with their bodies, and to get out of their own way when it comes to making creative dreams happen.

Having left her dancing and creativity aside for far too long, Jess finally discovered true self-expression and creative fulfillment through making her own dance videos. She now actively creates dance work and integrates this experience into her practice as a life coach. She offers inspirational dance classes, coaching programs, and her weekly blog, Creative Fridays.

She was a recently featured TEDx speaker in her talk, “The Dance Less Travelled.”

Jess is a very inspiring woman here are a few things we covered in this podcast

The self-compassionate woman podcast

 self-expression and why it can be challenging to do so

The self-compassionate woman podcast

 Jess' story and how she came to dance and expressing herself through dance and creativity

The self-compassionate woman podcast

 how creativity and self-expression can bring us together, rather than be a selfish act

The self-compassionate woman podcast

 Jess shares an exercise that she uses with clients and gets our groove on... you don't want to miss it

If you are interested in more info on Jess' work or taking her free 7 day challenge you can find her here...