Artist: Cille Vengberg - find her here
In this episode, I speak with Woniya Thibeault who appeared on the show "Alone" and was the first woman to win a season.
Woniya joined two seasons of the show. First lasting 73 days alone in the wild on the brink of starvation. And won the second season ‘Frozen’, as the first woman in ‘Alone’ show history. It felt even more special to speak to her, as she won the show on my birth land of Labrador.
We talk about shares her experience in Labrador and the similarities and differences between that location and the Northwest Territories. Woniya reflects on the importance of self-care and the societal pressures around winning and money.
She has such a special way of speaking about the land and how it held her through her time there.
I hope you enjoy what she has to offer as much as I did.
““Usually big, tough men with bulging muscles with a bunch of military training. I was that small woman coming at it with a really, really different perspective””
Woniya Thibeault is a naturalist, craftsperson, and ancestral skills instructor, whose passion is inspiring and empowering people to live their wildest, freest, most abundant lives. She accomplished this through teaching land-based living skills such as those our ancestors used, and nature connection practices. While never describing herself as a survivalist, she is best known for being the first woman to win a solo survival wilderness challenge on the History Channel’s Alone.
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