a self study course


What if stones sang?

This is a writing course with prompts to spark the imagination and bring you to look a little closer at the natural world

And, Well some places in the world stones are beliveded to sing


It is said that in this time we are living in, we are deprived of imagination. That we don’t spend enough time immersed in the wild, at many places that is hard to find, and of course many other lacks and hungers.

But there are also spaces where we can infuse and nourish our lives with nature and imagining. Through story, laying on the forest ground watching clouds and writing.

We are going to to gather some stones, words, images.

What if you could immerse yourself in the mystery and intelligence of the other than human world?

What if you could challenge the old narrative of an inanimate landscape and just for a moment imagine other truths ?

This little course is a way writing some of that into being.

I believe we need to prioritize more time to nourish our creativity AND more time with the other than human world as an intelligent force. I believe it has great impact on our well being to stimulate our imagination and spend more time immersed in the natural world.

Let us delve into practices that connect us to something bigger than us, the kind of explorations that require us to access different parts of our body, senses, understanding and imagination.

The free course is a step in that direction.

For fives day you will receive writing prompts that explore the themes of:

  • An animate world

  • Body and nature

  • Creative writing

In the prompts I have mixed image, video and sound, to create different ways of waking the imagination.

The practices consist of three elements:

  • a short warm up practice

  • a more expansive practice to sink your teeth in. Or pen.

  • and food for thought, such as talks, videos or articles.

You don’t have to be a skilled writer. Nor haul out your kaki outfit and have binoculars hanging from your neck, to explore through these lenses.

You just need to be curious. And open to other perspectives.

Do all the prompts once. Stretch it out to last you months.

Be autonomous.

And more importantly, enjoy the process.

What happens after sign up

After creating an account at registration, you get instant access to the entire course.

You can login at anytime and work through the content.

This is a free offer, share it with your friends.

Between Body & Soil; writing yourself into the earth

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