The Will of the Wild with Jay Griffiths

Nearly 10 years ago I read Jay Griffiths book ‘Wild’, it had a great impact on me, in a subtle way. Because it was hard to put into words, what it was like to read her’s.

She spent 7 years writing the book, about her journey around the World, meeting indigenous people and seeking the will of wild.

This is where this conversation begins.

  • what is wild, wilderness

  • what is it to be an apprentice to something

  • what does it mean to give time

  • a note on activism and climate despair and fatigue

It was just as rich speaking with her, as it is reading her book.

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ABOUT Jay Griffiths

Jay Griffiths has written on the politics of time, and the importance of wildness in the human spirit and the natural world in childhood. She was born in Manchester, studied at Oxford and has lived in Wales since 2000. 

With her first book, Pip Pip: A Sideways Look at Time, she won the Discover award for the best new non-fiction writer to be published in the USA and with her second, Wild: An Elemental Journey she won the inaugural 2007 Orion Book Award. She is the author of Tristimania: A Diary of Manic Depression and Kith: The Riddle of the Childscape. 

Her fiction includes A Love Letter from a Stray Moon, about the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, and Anarchipelago, about the road protests. 

She was the Hay Festival International Fellow for 2016.

“Her work isn't just good - it's necessary.” - Philip Pullman

She is to be found on social media, but find more about her and her work here:

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